Author: Riley
Leave the Girls Alone
Instead of jumping right into resolutions and all the usual early January stuff, let’s just listen to a fun song. Laisse Tomber Les Filles – Written by Serge Gainsbourg and performed by France Gall.
14×2014 Recap
It’s judgement day. In mid-January I gave myself a list of 14 things to do before the year was over. Did I or didn’t I? Well. I did some. I thought about them a lot. Writing down goals and not finishing all of them does wonders for showing where your priorities lie. Here’s my update:…
Wishing You a Merry Christmas!
I’ll be taking the rest of the week off from Estate to truly slow down and enjoy the season, but I wanted to wish a very merry Christmas/Solstice/Hanukkah/etc to all my readers. I hope this holiday season has treated you well. See you next week with end of the year wrap-ups!
Last Minute Celebration Suggestions
Before I dash off to celebrate with family for the next few days, I wanted to share two quick ideas to add a little extra something to your Christmas 🙂 For Christmas Eve The street I lived on growing up did something called Santa’s Runway, where everyone in the neighborhood would make lanterns to line…
Our 2013 Christmas Cards
Now that our intended recipients should have received their cards, I can finally share what we sent out this year! We are definitely of the handmade type, and this year we thought it’d be fun to make a list of our favorite Christmas things. We ended up sort of ordering them by how Christmas day…
Give Yourself the Best Free Early Christmas Gift
For anyone who’s a Chrome user, I have the best suggestion for you to download right now. The Momentum extension replaces the standard Chrome home/empty tab page and replaces it with a beautiful living breathing homepage. The image changes everyday, along with a quote, and updated weather info. You also get a little to do…
Currently Reading… Something Dark
This past week I decided to make one last go at squeezing in a book before the year ends. I’ve had Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn on my radar for quite awhile, and happened upon the Kindle edition for a couple bucks. I’m only a few chapters in, but so far I’m hooked. The short,…