Author: Riley
Three Little Kittens
Konrad and I picked up three little foster kittens yesterday morning. They are the smallest things you ever did see, but man are they a handful. We were chasing after them for hours and it was finally 10pm before I realized I hadn’t really eaten anything all day. One of the kittens is obsessed with…
The Artist at Work
If you order from Goons, you might end up with a second work of art on your package.
The Original Pantone Color Guide Was an 800 Page Tome From 1692
I came across the most amazing art book after following a link from twitter yesterday. In the late 17th century, an artist chronicled watercolors in all their hued, tonal, glory. The book is nearly 800 pages long, and completely handwritten and painted. Amazing. And in an incredible connection of old world meets new technology, you…
Early Retirement
No apologies for the cats on cats on cats. All the recent photos on my phone and computer are of cats. Do you think I like cats? With recent days in the 70s and 80s it’s hard to do anything but spend my days exactly as I like. Waking up without an alarm, making art,…
You Speak In Waves
This is the perfect song for doing stuff around the house on a sunny Sunday. Life stuff. Tokyo Police Club – Argentina (Parts I, II, III)
A Mohawk Iroquois Village Diorama
Another exhibit from the New York State Museum. Konrad took these photos of an insanely detailed miniature diorama with his iPhone! Each little person was no more than an inch tall.