Author: Riley
The Weather Wasn’t Always Cold
Back when I was melting on a cruise around the Greek islands. All I wanted was sunblock, and now all I dream of is the sun. I miss the heat.
House in Black
I came across this photo earlier today and found it so striking. At first I thought it might be one of those fake houses that cities use to hide various parts of its infrastructure (so fascinating – see here), but it turns out it was a farewell art piece for the building which was set to…
This Looks Good Right Now
Today calls for a long day snowed in reading books in bed. via Swandive
A Short Hiatus
Taking the rest of the week off from Estate to tend to my work life. I’ve been so incredibly busy, for which I am thankful, but very tired. It seems unfair for blog quality to suffer due to my lack of energy, so I’m taking a few days, and on Monday hope to return with…
Gardens On My Mind
Last year I let the Summer go by without giving any attention to our garden beds. We have more black raspberries growing in our backyard than we know what to do with (freeze them, duh), so I just kind of let them take over and focused on more pressing parts of my life. But this…
What To Do When Your To Do List Keeps Growing
For every item I cross off, two more tack themselves onto the bottom. If I can buckle down I may be able to clear the list by the end of the week. To anyone else in my position – I feel your pain! And a heavy work load can only mean good things to come…
Alternate Reality
I need to be in this moment. On a beach, in a bikini, doing yoga, in the sun. via here