DIY Bookshelf + Some Tips!

Do It Yourself! The D.I.Y. revolution is upon us!
Just wanted to share my most recent project with other like minded do-it-yourselfers out there!

The problem: My bedroom is a rather large, rectangular room. I recently bought a chaise lounge, but had no where to put it in my bedroom other than awkwardly pushed up against a wall. I also have a lot of books.

The solution: I decided to build a bookshelf to act as a partition, creating a cozy corner near my desk to put the chaise lounge in for reading. Check it out!:

DIY bookshelf partition

While in the planning stages, I decided I definitely wanted enough space for some crates underneath the bookshelf, which have been great for shoes and pet supplies! On the wall behind you can see a collection of art that I’ve acquired from friends and classmates over the years. Here’s a better picture:

art collage prints dreamcatcher

And lastly, I wanted to give you one last little tip. Do you have a drawer overflowing with cooking utensils? We did, before we decided to hang all the coolest and sleakest items up on the wall to save space and add a little life into our kitchen! I went with stainless steel and wood only for a modern meets cabin feel. Check it out!:



Keep it simple! Keep doing it yourself!




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