Three Favorite Etsy Shops

Here are a few more suggestions for your upcoming holiday shopping, keeping the handmade theme in mind:
floral headpiece etsy shoot
pale pink large oversize rose headband from kisforkani

kisforkani is a beautiful shop with SO many floral headpieces in every color you can imagine. Definitely worth supporting this online shop and saving yourself the trouble of assembling one yourself.

etsy succulents
115 succulent plants from thesucculentgarden

TheSucculentGarden has an amazing variety of succulents for use as centerpieces, in terrariums, and home decor. They even sell cuttings so you can save some money and propagate the plants yourself.

etsy bookplates
cookery bookplates from alicecantrell

AliceCantrell is the creator of simple paper goods including notecards, bookplates and stationary. I love the illustrations and throwback to when people wrote everything with pen and ink instead of typing and texting all the time.

What are your favorite Etsy shops?? I have quite a list of them saved, maybe I’ll do more features in the future!


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