Dream Getaway: Montana

Dream Getaway: MontanaI have to admit that I am feeling totally exhausted by my day-to-day responsibilities. My life is one that I’ve architected into something I love, so complain, I can not. But I do think my brain could use a good old-fashioned shut down for a week’s worth of time. I think a warm weathered Montana would suit my requirements perfectly.

  1. Wander by foot and peek at the wildlife.
  2. Hike to the places with the best views.
  3. Lay out under the stars, every night.
  4. Soak in the Boiling River over the border at Yellowstone.
  5. Oblige myself with four-hour long picnics.
  6. Read every Tom Robbins book.
  7. Find the best fries in the nearest town.


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